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host / memory holder

host :

the host is the alter that most commonly uses the body . host alters collectively fall under the category of fronters , or alters who frequently “ front ” by taking control of the body and the front , conscious part of the mind . host alters are responsible for most aspects of daily life , though teams of fronter alters might divide up daily life into more manageable and specialized units such as socialization , academia , work , and taking care of the body . if the host has spent years unaware of the existence of other alters and the trauma that created them , the host might have an extremely hard time coming to accept their DID . this alter might be used to viewing themselves as the only entity in their body and will likely at least at first view themselves as the core . this may or may not be correct . according to the theory of structural dissociation , all hosts are apparently normal parts .

memory holder :

memory holders are alters that hold memories that are usually traumatic in nature so that other alters do not have to be confronted by the memories . in some cases , memory holders might hold memories of childhood innocence or of being loved by the systems otherwise abusive or neglectful family . in these latter cases , the memory holder might serve to preserve these memories untainted by memories of trauma or to avoid confronting the system with the pain of what the abuse has cost them . memory holders are highly associated with abuse takers , alters that experience trauma so that other alters do not have to . memories holders are the prototypical emotional part in structural dissociation .

host / memory holder